I love sport very much because it makes me feel alive as my whole body is sweating and it can assist in our health as well as keeping fit.
Other than that I have been utilizing the benefit of internet to gain extra knowledge and keep in touch with my friends. Out of so many websites which I visit the most is The Star online and New Straits Time online. I like to read news in order to become knowledgeable about the world as well as up-to-date information. Google is a well-known search engine where you can almost search for anything and I used to search some information as required in my studies. In addition, Youtube is a website where I am entertained by interesting video throughout the world. Sometime I may search some news by using youtube too especially those are not published in the newspaper. Moreover, Msn, Friendster and Facebook act as a communication center in my life where I use to communicate as well as keep in touch with my friends in every location.
Thanks for reading my blog, best wish.
Chun! Little pang! I never knew so much of you. :P
Btw, must your blog being so serious? Can u write more interesting event of your life?
Hahax.. Looking for more from your blog! dude..
This blog is setting up for academic purpose not for personal blog, it must be formal. thanks for your comment.
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